Should you rent or should you buy your home? It takes more than looking at your mortgage payment to answer this question. This calculator helps you weed through the fees, taxes and monthly payments to help you make a decision between these two options. This report is based on the original purchase price, fees and taxes payable at that time. Insurance and tax costs can fluctuate from year to year. Click the 'View Report' button for a detailed look at the results.
At 4.5% your required annual income is $54,946
Maximum monthly payment (PITI) $1,198.37
Please view the report to see detailed results in tabular form.


Desired mortgage amount
The total loan amount you are looking to qualify for.

Monthly housing expenses
Your monthly housing expenses from the housing expenses worksheet. The items entered as housing expenses make up the taxes and insurance portion of your monthly PITI payment.

Monthly liabilities
Your monthly liabilities from the liabilities worksheet. Your monthly liabilities are used to calculate your maximum PITI.
Monthly housing payment (PITI)
This is your total Principal and Interest, Tax and Insurance (PITI) payment per month. This includes your principal, interest, real estate taxes, hazard insurance, association dues or fees and principal mortgage insurance (PMI). Maximum monthly payment (PITI) is calculated by taking the lower of these two calculations:

  1. Monthly Income X 28% = monthly PITI
  2. Monthly Income X 36% - Other loan payments = monthly PITI

Maximum principal and interest (PI)
This is your maximum monthly principal and interest payment. It is calculated by subtracting your monthly taxes and insurance from your monthly PITI payment. This calculator uses your maximum PI payment to determine the mortgage amount that you could qualify for.

Start interest rates at
The current interest rate you could receive on your mortgage. This is used as the starting point for displaying a range of interest rates and the resulting mortgage amount.
Term in years
The number of years over which you will repay this loan. The most common mortgage terms are 15 years and 30 years.

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